Monday, September 22, 2014

persecution-groups, orgs, law enforcement

law enforcement aids harassing by "concerned citizens" who believe you should be hung for disagreeing with or being unlike their ignorant terrorist selves or simply at any whatever opportunist time. stakeouts/scouts and hounds with organized harassment terrorizing tactics steak out apartment bldgs. and streets now that I have left their conspiracy team and bus company losing everything I need in process due to same very scam terrorists looking for and devising terrorizing scams and terrorist activities America loves to aid free of charge at an infinite priced to its victims. stakeout teams and terrorist teams at locations suited to attacking victims- nasty terrorist conspiracy team country and low people who like persecuting doing terrorist acts no matter what and who believe 2 cents should pay for 200 gazillions in loss impacted by themselves and their very own kind - nasty country and low people. 200 gazillion dollars is sought against the united states for 40 years of terrorist acts.